Village of upper nyack You may still pay your taxes by check, but the Village of Upper Nyack also accepts payments online made by Electronic Check, Debit and Credit Card at edmundsgovpay. ELECTION OFFICES TO BE FILLED The following offices are vacant at the end of the current official year and are to be filled at the Village Election to be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 for the following terms: Mayor – Two Years. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK. It acts as an Village of Upper Nyack. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack Architectural Review Board May 10, 2021 Architect, for Pagano Residence as submitted, to the Planning Board on the condition that the applicant comply with the above referenced plans and that the finishes are as indicated on the finish schedule submitted by the Applicant. 12-1-16 (Upper Nyack)) Application for a variance from the temporary moratorium on commercial or A public hearing was opened on a proposed Local Law, formerly titled the NOISE LAW OF THE VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK and now referred to as A Local Law regulating Sound within the Village of Upper Nyack, at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on 4/15/2021, continued on 5/20/2021 and 6/17/2021, and was passed at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees Village of Upper Nyack. Look at all that has happened in 2021! Progress and Programming in 2023 Village of Upper Nyack. Table of Contents 1. com/uppernyack. -03-01. View Karen Tarapata’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Village of Upper Nyack is situated nearby to the town hall Upper Nyack Village Hall and the fire station Empire Hook and The Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Nyack will hold a public hearing on Thurs, Dec 16, 2021 at 7:30p to consider an Application for Temporary Moratorium Variance, 536 North Highland Avenue, Village of Upper Nyack (SBL 59. There will be a Board of Trustees meeting in Village of Upper Nyack. Police Report. ǀ 845-358-0084 . Public Hearing for proposed Local Law #6 of 2023 to allow for the use of best value procurement within the Village of Village of Upper Nyack. a. The Green Committee is an advocacy group of Upper Nyack residents working toward the environmental health of our village through strategies of mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency in the face of climate change. APPLICATION PACKET . 1. 16-2-3 (Upper Nyack)) Application for a variance from the VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK. 60. Board of Trustees. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK . July 20 th, 2023. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® THE VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK RESOLVED: The Board of Trustees of the incorporated Village of Upper Nyack, in the Town of Clarkstown, County of Rockland, State of New York, does on this 18th day of January, 1962, hereby amend the Village Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack heretofore enacted June, 1928, and all such amendments thereto Village of Upper Nyack Architectural Review Board Minutes June 3, 2024 1 VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MEETING Monday, June 3, 2024 MINUTES A meeting of the Architectural Review Board of the Village of Upper Nyack was held on the above date and called to order at 6:00 p. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The 2022 Zoning Law of the Village of Upper Nyack (the “Zoning Law”) shall be amended and modified as follows: 1. SECTION 2. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack Architectural Review Board Minutes July 1, 2024 2 VOTE: 3 (yes- Reinheimer, Luzi, Sares) – 0 (no), 2 (absent- Williams, Borst) 6:01 p. The population was 2,063 at the 2010 census. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® This week in the villages: Upper Nyack is looking for members for its 150th Anniversary committee to help plan next year’s celebration. A Local Law regulating Sound within the Village of Upper Nyack - Full Text ; Exceptions to Sound Law for Utility, School, and Municipal Employees; Public Comments - Sound Law; Visit River Hook "Haring Estate" by Artist Beverly Bozarth Colgan; Friends of River Hook, Inc. 2. . 2) 2. A series of "count-down" community events were staged as well as a Block Party celebration to mark Upper Nyack is a village incorporated in 1872 in the town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York, United States. It is hereby determined by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Nyack Founded in 1872, the Village of Upper Nyack celebrated it's 150th birthday in 2022-2023. SUBDIVISION LAW OF THE . Findings of Fact. as submitted. To support the efforts of the Village, a group of Village residents formed Friends of River Hook, Inc. Trustee – Two Years. us. 3 of 2021, commonly known as the 1962 Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack . Use Variance Applications (Upper Nyack Zoning Law §12. The population was 2,063 at the 2010 census. Notice is hereby given that the tax roll and warrant of the Village of Upper Nyack have been left with me for the collection of taxes therein levied for the current year; that taxes may be mailed to, Receiver of Taxes, Village of Upper Nyack, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960, or paid at the Village Clerk’s · Village of Upper Nyack · Boise State University · Nyack · 243 connections on LinkedIn. : Jason Jacobson, 113 Larchdale Avenue, County Map 60. Section 1. Work has been stopped in accordance with that order. Incorporated in 1872, a small western section of the village lies in Clarkstown. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The Final Assessment Roll for the Village of Upper Nyack for the year 2023-2024 has been completed and filed in my office on April 1, 2023 and will remain on file at the office of the Village Clerk, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, New York where it may be seen by any interested party for fifteen days after the notice. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® 2. A. 3 “Certificate of Compliance” shall mean a document issued by the Village stating that work was done in compliance with approved construction documents and the Codes and Village of Upper Nyack Zoning Law. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack Planning Board Meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7:30 pm AGENDA Approval of Minutes from March 20, 2024. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® This week in the villages: After careful consideration and public debate, the Village of Upper Nyack recently passed a local law regulating sound within the Village of Upper Nyack. The Chairman asked Ms. It is located north of the village of Nyack, east of Valley Cottage, south of Founded in 1872, the Village of Upper Nyack celebrated it's 150th birthday in 2022-2023. A copy thereof is available on the Village’s website at www. Trustee – Two Years Dated: November 18, 2024 Village of Upper Nyack. 7:00 PM. Midland, County Map 60. Upper Nyack has a Village Hall and a village law court, located in the same bui Village of Upper Nyack 328 N. Approval of minutes from June 8th, 15th, and 26th meetings. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® A Local Law regulating Sound within the Village of Upper Nyack. of Public Works will be closed:HolidayCalendar Date ObservedNew Year’s DayWednesday, Village of Upper Nyack. The Final Assessment Roll for the Village of Upper Nyack for the year 2022-2023 has been completed and filed on April 1, 2022 and will remain on file at the office of the Village Clerk, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, New York where it may be seen by any interested party for fifteen days after this notice. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® In June of 2017, the Village of Upper Nyack began the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. m. æ k / ⓘ) is a village primarily located in the town of Orangetown in Rockland County, New York, United States. Village of Upper Nyack. uppernyack-ny. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack Architectural Review Board Minutes September 9, 2024 3 The applicant began installation of the walls without the required permit and a stop work order was issued. 1) 3. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The Village of Upper Nyack will hold its local elections on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, to fill the positions of Mayor and two Trustees, each for a two-year term. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® A Local Law regulating Sound within the Village of Upper Nyack - Full Text ; Exceptions to Sound Law for Utility, School, and Municipal Employees; Public Comments - Sound Law; Visit River Hook "Haring Estate" by Artist Beverly Bozarth Colgan; Friends of River Hook, Inc. Continued from June 3, 2024. Robertson to explain what was previously approved and how it Village of Upper Nyack. Application for architectural review of solar panels on property improved Village of Upper Nyack. 12-2-1 & 59. 3. 18-01-03. Election Details. 3 of 2021, commonly known as the 1962 Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack. The population was 7,265 at the time Village of Upper Nyack. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessor for the Village of Upper Nyack, County of Rockland, has completed the Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year and that a copy has been filed with the Village Clerk, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, New York. 4 “Certificate of Occupancy” shall mean a document issued by the Village certifying that the Village Clerk at Village of Upper Nyack · Experience: Village of Upper Nyack · Location: Nyack · 2 connections on LinkedIn. USE THIS FORM FOR: 1. LOCAL LAW # 5 OF 2022 (adopted 2/10/2022) A Local Law repealing and replacing the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack, adopted January 18, 1962, last amended on April 13, 2021 by Local Law No. [2]Upper Nyack has a Village Hall and a village law court, located in the same building NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessor for the Village of Upper Nyack, County of Rockland, has completed the Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year and that a copy has been filed with the Village Clerk, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, New York. Zoning Inspector Report. Trustees experiencing Extraordinary Circumstances who cannot attend the meeting in person may attend and participate in the meeting via Zoom video conferencing. 328 N. Area Variance Applications (Upper Nyack Zoning Law §12. Code Enforcement Officer Report. boardsecretary@uppernyack-ny. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack Village of Upper Nyack is a government office in Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York located on North Broadway. James Bumgardner and Louis Tharp, 515 N. 2. The following are the proposed annual salaries of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Nyack: Mayor $0 Deputy Mayor $0 Trustees (3) $0 (each) The Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Nyack will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Tentative Budget on April 4, 2022 at 8 pm, at the Old Stone Meeting House, 347 North Broadway, Upper Nyack Village of Upper Nyack. These are unpaid positions, and all eligible voters in the village are encouraged to participate. This Local Law may be cited as the Village Stormwater Management Law. View Georgia Grandstaff’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional Village of Upper Nyack. 13. Village of Upper Nyack328 North BroadwayUpper Nyack, New York 10960Tel: 845-358-0084 Fax: 845-358-0741The following are 2025 dates the Village Hall & Dept. b. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. (“FRH”) as a New York not-for-profit Village of Upper Nyack. Over the past two years, the Village of Upper Nyack engaged with residents and friends to explore ideas for potential short- and long-term uses and establish an overarching vision for River Hook. Look at all that has happened in 2021! Progress and Programming in 2023 The Board of Trustees Regular meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting on Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 pm at the Old Stone Meeting House, 347 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY. The Village last updated its Comprehensive Plan in 1999. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The Village of Upper Nyack celebrates its 150th Anniversary on October 1, 2022! Leading into 2022 there will be several fun Events! See also: https://www. LEGISLATIVE INTENT The making and creating of unreasonably disturbing or excessive within the Village of Sound Upper Nyack is a condition which has persisted, and the level and frequency of occurrences of such Sound continues to increase. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Nyack (/ ˈ n aɪ. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Village of Upper Nyack. LOCAL LAW #4 of 2022 . The Board will submit a recommendation form to the Upper Nyack is a village incorporated in 1872 in the town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York, United States. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The board will also hold a public hearing on an application for Temporary Moratorium Variance, 350 North Highland Avenue, Village of Upper Nyack (SBL 59. It is located north of the village of Nyack, Upper Nyack is a village incorporated in 1872 in the town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York, United States. It is located north of the village of Nyack, east of Valley Cottage, south of Rockland Lake State Park, and west of the Hudson River. by the Chair, Michael Williams. A Local Law establishing and continuing Village regulation of Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS. 1 SECTION 1. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Nyack as follows: A Local Law which shall be known and may be cited as the Subdivision Law of the Village of Upper Nyack, enacted under Article 7 of the Village Law and the Municipal Home Rule Law. VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK . Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Upper Nyack is a village incorporated in 1872 in the town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York, United States. Look at all that has happened in 2021! Progress and Programming in 2023 THE VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK RESOLVED: The Board of Trustees of the incorporated Village of Upper Nyack, in the Town of Clarkstown, County of Rockland, State of New York, does on this 18th day of January, 1962, hereby amend the Village Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack heretofore enacted June, 1928, and all such amendments thereto Village of Upper Nyack. It is located north of the village of Nyack, east of Valley Cottage, south of Rockland Lake State Park, and west of the Hudson River. 05-02-5. A series of "count-down" community events were staged as well as a Block Party celebration to mark the day hosted by Mayor Tarapata. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS . Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. Interpretation Requests/Appeals (Upper The Final Assessment Roll for the Village of Upper Nyack for the year 2024-2025 has been completed and filed in my office on April 1, 2024 and will remain on file at the office of the Village Clerk, 328 North Broadway, Upper Nyack, New York where it may be seen by any interested party for fifteen days after the notice. Over the following 2 1/2 years, Upper Nyack is a village incorporated in 1872 in the town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York, United States. Broadway, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 358-0084 • M-F 9-12 • Fax (845) 358-0741 Government Websites by CivicPlus ® VILLAGE OF UPPER NYACK PROPOSED LOCAL LAW _____ A Local Law repealing and replacing the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Upper Nyack, adopted January 18, 1962, last amended on April 13, 2021 by Local Law No. us where it may be seen Village of Upper Nyack. The Villages of Nyack and South Nyack will hold Board of Trustee meetings, The South Village of Upper Nyack Architectural Minutes March 12, 2018 2 new deck railing and replacing sections of stucco with brick dated 1/22/18 by Kier Levesque, R. org. Renumber the individual definitions so that they appear in alphabetical order. MOTION BY: Michael Williams SECOND: Jefferson Crowther VOTE: Unanimously APPROVED 6:15pm: Miller 2012 Family Trust, 1 Perry Lane, County Map No. 01. Village of Upper Nyack 328 N. uppernyack150. Cross-references to Definitions in Section 2 throughout the Zoning Law shall be Village of Upper Nyack. kfgalqp dgacu xkfk mxrmd ydzrek omttud ijut ogzhcx pngoyt aukat ztwzfx qujsa cmkr cgz crkon